A home with lot of storage spaces is always easy to get uncluttered! The things and items of home can only get messy if there is a deficiency of some functional storage units in your dwelling! Untidy collections of things are a big headache but you can welcome the DIY furniture projects to solve it quite easily and also without spending even a bit of your hardly earned money! This DIY wooden pallet hall tree can be taken as a first solution to get your hallway storage-friendly, the entire composition has been done by integrating cut down parts of pallets modified as per demands of targeted hall tree design!
The upper level is all to give you the quick hanging solutions as it comes with metal accent hooks while its lower body is having a better shoes rack to take good care of your shoes pairs lying here and there in your home! There is also a shelf installed to top portion that can organize a bit more of your things and also the art and crafts for showy looks!